Barry Schneider
We have an NT 4.0 Domain (so no Group Policy). We have a
Windows 2000 providing Termainal Services. We have 30
windows 2000 pro and 10 Windows 98 stations
We have a single application that we want to allow our
users to run.
How do we roll out the desktop shortcut to every users
desktop who logons onto any of our computers.
We do not want the users to be able to logon to the
termerinal services desktop. So we do not want them to be
able to run the Terminal Services Client independant of
the short cut.
This seems how many other organizations would be utilizing
Terminal Services, but I can not find any answers to these
basic questions.
Windows 2000 providing Termainal Services. We have 30
windows 2000 pro and 10 Windows 98 stations
We have a single application that we want to allow our
users to run.
How do we roll out the desktop shortcut to every users
desktop who logons onto any of our computers.
We do not want the users to be able to logon to the
termerinal services desktop. So we do not want them to be
able to run the Terminal Services Client independant of
the short cut.
This seems how many other organizations would be utilizing
Terminal Services, but I can not find any answers to these
basic questions.