how to retrive the exact figures

  • Thread starter Thread starter Naveed Pathan
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Naveed Pathan

hi every body ; the problem i have is very important for me to get the
solution and i do hope that u all of my friend will help basically we sell
the products that contain the serial numbers and all of our business is
running on that particular serial number suppose i have keep the record of
each product serial number that i sell and i will keep the record of the
unsold serial number as well.let me give the example the item i purchased and
then some of them sold so what stock will be in my hand then

for example : purchases

item Quanity Serial Start
Serial End
Cobra 40 56710093200

let's suppose if i sell the serial number

item quantity serial start
serial End
Cobra 10 56710093220

now i want to know which serial is left in stock with me

Naveed Pathan said:
each product serial number that i sell and i will keep the record of the
unsold serial number as well.let me give the example the item i purchased

don't know how large is your stock, but basicly, you may use excel sheet,
filling one row for *each* separate serial number, having three columns:
1-item identifier
2-serial number
3-sold yes/no

cobra 40001 no
cobra 40002 no
cobra 40003 yes
cobra 40004 no

now, using data-filter, you may show just "unsold" setting column filters,
item=cobra and sold=no

of course, you may have other columns as well, like date-in, date-sold, etc
I agree with Sali. I think you need to have a list of all serial numbers,
not start and end serial numbers. When the item is sold you can change the
cell in Column 5 to "SOLD". Then you can use a filter to view all "SOLD"
items. You can even use Conditional Formatting for easy identification of
"SOLD" items. Use conditional formatting to highlight all rows red if Column
5 = "SOLD".

Hope this helps! If so, click "YES" below.
Setup your spreadsheet like this:

Item Serial Number Status
Cobra 56710093200 SOLD
Cobra 56710093201
Rattler 56710093202 SOLD
Rattler 56710093203
Garden 56710093204 SOLD
Garden 56710093205

Use conditional formatting for Column C (Status) top hightlight the row or
cell. Or just filter all items that are SOLD.