How to retreive window.showModalDialog dialogArguments in C# code?



I am creating a modal dialog box in ASP.NET via client-side javascript and
passing vArguments parameters in an array form using this syntax:

vReturnValue = window.showModalDialog(sURL [, vArguments] [, sFeatures])

when the modal dialog box comes up, I would like to retreive the vArguments
parameters in C# upon Page_Load, How can I do this?

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

You would have to force a postback to the page (or use javascript to
make an XML request under the covers) passing that value to your C# page.
This would cause the page to reload (using the former suggestion).
Basically, you would have to create a hidden input field in the form, then
submit the form.

Hope this helps.


I had this in-mind but wasn't sure if there is a namespace that already
provides function to do this in C#.


Nicholas Paldino said:
You would have to force a postback to the page (or use javascript to
make an XML request under the covers) passing that value to your C# page.
This would cause the page to reload (using the former suggestion).
Basically, you would have to create a hidden input field in the form, then
submit the form.

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

conraba said:
I am creating a modal dialog box in ASP.NET via client-side javascript and
passing vArguments parameters in an array form using this syntax:

vReturnValue = window.showModalDialog(sURL [, vArguments] [, sFeatures])

when the modal dialog box comes up, I would like to retreive the
parameters in C# upon Page_Load, How can I do this?


conraba said:
I am creating a modal dialog box in ASP.NET via client-side javascript and
passing vArguments parameters in an array form using this syntax:

vReturnValue = window.showModalDialog(sURL [, vArguments] [, sFeatures])

when the modal dialog box comes up, I would like to retreive the
parameters in C# upon Page_Load, How can I do this?

Why don't you pass vArguments as query string parameters in the url to your
dialog page?

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