Does anyone knows of any program or how to retrieve lost
pics, in xp/2k? I rebooted my pc with xp cd and installed
it over the previous, but the drive hasn't been
formatted... Is there a chance to recover them? I managed
after a lenghty search, found two - but those were used as
wallpaper... and I did use some more as wallpaper and those
I can't even find either. Where are the rest? Are they
still there?
pics, in xp/2k? I rebooted my pc with xp cd and installed
it over the previous, but the drive hasn't been
formatted... Is there a chance to recover them? I managed
after a lenghty search, found two - but those were used as
wallpaper... and I did use some more as wallpaper and those
I can't even find either. Where are the rest? Are they
still there?