In WinXP Hm, when I first set up my User Account and Password there was an
option to make my account (maybe it was folders in my account... can't
remember) "Private" or something like that. I don't remember the term but
basically by seleting Yes, it would make my "Profile Folder" (I think that's
what it is called) secure so that other users on the computer could not have
access (even see) into my Profile Folder. Is there a way of resetting that
option so it CAN be seen and accessed by the other users on my computer?
What is the correct name for that option. Thank you.
option to make my account (maybe it was folders in my account... can't
remember) "Private" or something like that. I don't remember the term but
basically by seleting Yes, it would make my "Profile Folder" (I think that's
what it is called) secure so that other users on the computer could not have
access (even see) into my Profile Folder. Is there a way of resetting that
option so it CAN be seen and accessed by the other users on my computer?
What is the correct name for that option. Thank you.