Define the default column width
1.. Right-click a sheet tab, and then click Select All Sheets on the
shortcut menu
2.. On the Format menu, point to Column, and then click Standard Width.
3.. Type a new measurement.
The number that appears in the Standard column width box is the average
number of digits 0-9 of the standard font that fit in a cell.
To define the default column width for all new workbooks and worksheets,
create a workbook template and a worksheet template.
Sub SetColWidths()
x = ActiveSheet.StandardWidth
Selection.ColumnWidth = x
End Sub
When you don't understand a problem, you really don't have the vaguest memory of
the faintest impression of the shadow of a clue.
The OP wants to do something that in 123 or Quattro Pro or similar spreadsheets
would be called resetting the column width. Unfortunately, this is a feature
Excel has always lacked. Once set, either on purpose or by Excel's ever so
helpful autofitting, it can't be reset so that future changes to the worksheet's
standard width automatically resize these columns.
The only way to do this in Excel is to insert a new column, move (i.e., *cut*
and paste) the entire unintentionally resized column into the inserted column,
and delete the unintentionally resized column. Unfortunately, any future entries
into the cells that caused autofitting resizing may cause the same problem. One
very kludgy way to avoid this is to precede all entries with a character like |
(vertical bar) - even (especially?!) formulas - then use Edit > Replace to
remove the leading character.