How to Reregister a given Excel version

  • Thread starter Thread starter Desaivres Alain
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Desaivres Alain


SITUATION... Two Excel version 11.0 and 12.0 are installed on a subset of
machines... Depending on the last update made, one or the other is declared
as the default Excel to be launch...

This can be seen in the following registry key...
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Application\CurVer that can equal
to Excel.Application.12
or to Excel.Application.11

Manifestly, only a reregistration of a given excel version can reestablish
an expected situation such as havin version 12.0 being the default one...

How can I run a "LIGHT" Reregistration of Excel 12.0 through a script
launched at login time ? and this without being forced to run an Office
Is this possible through some registry key manipulations ?

Thanks for your help
How about having a .bat file run when pulling up Excel that registers the
'proper' Excel...

'To UnRegister Excel:
' 1) Close Excel
' 2) Windows Start Button
' 3) Run
' 4) Excel /unregserver

'To Register Excel:
' 1) Close Excel
' 2) Windows Start Button
' 3) Run
' 4) Excel /regserver

where 'Excel' includes the appropriate file path.
No doubt in theory it's possible to register via the registry, but would
probably need to unregister Excel 2003 first, Then a lot of work. From the
command line you could do

"C:\pathToXL2007\excel.exe" /regserver

or similar with Shell (note you'll probably need double quotes around the

I very much doubt you'll want to do this on each login time, at most if/as
necessary which should be only very rarely (you can get the CurVer from the

Peter T
In fact I have found that solution
"C:\pathToXL2007\excel.exe" /regserver
but on my machine
- it works perfectly with the Excel.exe of 2003 version
- but not with the excel.exe of 2007

in the first case HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Application\CurVer move from
Excel.Application.12 to Excel.Application.A11 => perfect... Excel is not
opened, just some small installation windows...

Unfortunately - In the second case excel open and nothing hapen regarding
the default excel which stay to Excel.Application.11

Any idea ?
Thanks and Regards
Yes Gary...
This is "the" idea unfortunately works for Excel 2003 but not for Excel
Any additional peace of advice will be appreciated
Thanks and regards
Not sure why that's not working fully. Maybe first try

"C:\pathToXL2003\excel.exe" /unregserver

One thing, which version was installed first. Very important to install in
order oldest to newest. If you installed 2007 first then 2003, I think it
would be a good idea uninstall 2007 completely (maybe re-register 2003) then
reinstall 2007.

Peter T

In fact I guess the version installed first doesn't worth being known that
much because as soon as a windows update concerning one or the other is run
on the machine, the default Excel can change. It's more or less equivalent to
a new installation and then the concerned Excel become the dafault one... I
have seen that not later than yesterday evening having version 12.0 as
default, then running a Windows update concerning Excel 2003 then having
version 11.0 as default...

I have tried what you suggest also, I mean running an /unregserver before
launching a /regserver on Excel 2007 but doesn't change anything...

When I launch excel.exe /regserver on Excel 2007, in fact Excel open and
does not much care about the switch /regserver as if this switch was not part
of swiches known per Excel 2007...

I have found several sites where Excel 2k7 switches are listed and
/regserver is not part of the list...

Available switches seems to be
/r /t /n /e /p /s /safemode /m /a progID

Any additional peace of advice will be appreciated...
Have a good day
I understand why you say the installation order is not relevant. Even so
from what I believe the order is important. Not sure with 2007 but in the
past installing in the wrong order cannot be fixed simply by re-registering
the latest version.

Yes you are right, it seems (un)regserver have been removed from the list of
switches in 2007, I will enquire.

Peter T
Thanks Peter

It's rather complicated to find a workaround for the missing switch... Will
appreciate in ase you find something about to tell me...

Have a good WE
I don't have any good news for you. It's really a problem to fully restore
2007 as the default. You could try

File > Excel Options > Resources > run Microsoft Office Diagnostics
Repair (can take a long time)

You may find the only way is to fully uninstall then reinstall!

As I mentioned earlier, it's important to install in order oldest to

Normally you should never need to do this. You mentioned updates that change
the CurVer but the only updates (I think) that would change the CurVer are
old SP updates, and there are not likely to be any more of these.

Peter T