how to replace NOTEPAD ..?

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Simply Confusing!

I want to use a more advanced text editor for the "view source" function in
IE6, I've tried adding the "View Source Editor" key to HKLM\soft\ms\ie
branch, but no luck.

I tried to replace the useless and frustrating little Notepad.exe with a
renamed version of freeware called "Notepad2", but XP keeps replacing the
file immediately with it's useless piece of code.

Is there any way to over-ride or cripple XP's tendancy to keep its sacred
little notepad alive?

thanks for any hints.


View Source Editor, the easy way to change the editor in Internet Explorer:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows Shell/User]
Windows® Troubleshooting

I want to use a more advanced text editor for the "view source" function in
IE6, I've tried adding the "View Source Editor" key to HKLM\soft\ms\ie
branch, but no luck.

I tried to replace the useless and frustrating little Notepad.exe with a
renamed version of freeware called "Notepad2", but XP keeps replacing the
file immediately with it's useless piece of code.

Is there any way to over-ride or cripple XP's tendancy to keep its sacred
little notepad alive?

thanks for any hints.

Hi SC -

Following are instructions I made up to do what you want. My version is
based on directions given by the author of metapad -- which is a nice,
small, and free notepad replacement that I've used for years. Just
substitute your program name for 'metapad.exe':
1. Rename 'metapad.exe' to 'notepad.exe'.
2. Terminate Notepad if it is running.
3. Delete "notepad.exe" from :
NOTE: On Windows XP systems, You may need to temporarily rename the \i386,
C:\Windows\ServicePackFiles, and/or C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache
folders to
allow deletion of the original notepad.exe files; otherwise, XP's WFP
(Windows File Protection) replaces the deleted file with the original

To view the C:\Windows\ServicePackFiles and
directories, go to My Computer/Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder
On the View tab, uncheck the "Hide protected operating system files
(Recommended)" box.
4. In the \ServicePackFiles\i386 and/or C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache
rename/move/delete the original notepad.exe file.
5. Copy the new notepad.exe file into the same directories from which you
deleted the
6. Rename the \ServicePackFiles and/or \i386 directory back to its original
7. When Windows asks if it should restore the replaced file with a backup
copy, answer "NO";
when it asks, "keep the unknown versions of the file?", answer "YES".
An easier way to get around WFP is "Windows File Protection Switcher", and
it's available here:

(e-mail address removed)

Simply wrote on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 08:26:29 GMT:

SC> I want to use a more advanced text editor for the "view source"
SC> function in IE6, I've tried adding the "View Source Editor" key to
SC> HKLM\soft\ms\ie branch, but no luck.

SC> I tried to replace the useless and frustrating little Notepad.exe with
SC> a renamed version of freeware called "Notepad2", but XP keeps replacing
SC> the file immediately with it's useless piece of code.

SC> Is there any way to over-ride or cripple XP's tendancy to keep its
SC> sacred little notepad alive?

SC> thanks for any hints.

[Simply Confusing!]s message :
I want to use a more advanced text editor for the "view source" function in
IE6, I've tried adding the "View Source Editor" key to HKLM\soft\ms\ie
branch, but no luck.

Go to-
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\View Source Editor\Editor Name

Right side (Default) Value, enter the path to editor but NO parameters (%1 etc) e.g.
C:\MyEditor.exe "%1"

Good Luck, Ayush.
thanks to Ramesh for links to Iconico's site - some excellent freeware (and
probably great software too)
thanks to Hoppy for the instructions on nuking the Win-system's cache of
notepads. This one actually worked for my "notepad2" replacement.

thanks to Ayush for the regedit directions, but I already tried that to
install PSPad as my "view source" agent for IE6, but it makes no difference
at all :( ... however, now at least, my "notepad2" replacement does come
up as View Source reader... so ½ the battle has been won.

be nice if M$ included "view source" option on their programs fields for
