How to Remove Windows Messaging



Thank you Jonathan Kay [MVP],
...for your run command to remove Win. Msngr. I did
not use it, and prefer to remove excess. Also, I did not
copy down the site from which to reinstall it if desired.

Is MSN Msngr. compatible with XP? Could I use it instead
of WM? A friend suggested it, and if they are not
intercommunicative, I'd prefer the latter.

However, I've fallen prey to the misconception as some
others have, and what I really want to remove is MS
Exchange Client 32, aka Windows MESSAGING. It is this
which is locking up my attempted uninstall of Outlook 97.
Also, please tell me if Office 97 is not compatible with
XP, though it should be w/ SR2b tacked on.

Thank you, again.

Jonathan Kay [MVP]

Greetings Kento,

MSN Messenger (5 or 6) is fully supported in Windows XP. However, in order for Remote
Assistance, Whiteboard and Application Sharing to continue working, Windows Messenger msut
remained installed (but not running) in order for these features to work in both Windows and
MSN Messenger.

Office 97 should work fine in Windows XP -- however, I'm not specifically sure why you'd need
a separate 'Exchange' client -- I thought Outlook 97 provided all the required Exchange
functionality. If you mean the Exchange IM client, the Windows Messenger version of that is
available here:
Jonathan Kay
Windows MVP, Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -

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