How to remove mywebsearch tool bar



I have noticed alot of people with the same problem of trying to delete the
mywebsearch tool bar. This is the easiest way to solve this problem and
requires no more than 1 minute of your time!
Go here and either download or simply run this application:
No more mywebsearch tool bar problems.


Thank-you soo much. I'm just wondering how i wasn't told
of this way before because i've had soo many problems with
it and no one has ever told me about this solution before.
Was just wondering how you were able to find it out. BTW


Hey, if you can, click on "Was this post helpful to you", because over the
last few days, I have tried to respond to all these questions regarding this
matter, but I think a few ppl (having been given alot of advice) don't take
any attention of yet ANOTHER method of removing the woeful thing! If someone
does take notice and say that it works, perhaps alot more people wouldn't be
given the run-around either.
How did I discover it? After doing just about everything, I was reminded of
an old axiomatic proverb: the KISS principle: "keep it simple, stupid". So,
yeah, I hammered the registry, had a dozen progs trying to remove the thing,
etc etc, until I thought, bugger this...let's go straight to the source.
There, I found nested amongst the help FAQ this prog. Tah-dah!, gone. And,
good riddance! Only took me about 10 hours before I thought, lets look there.

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