How to remove Microsoft .NET Assistant from Firefox
WhiteTea said:How to remove Microsoft .NET Assistant from Firefox
Gordon said:
Peter said:Since I do not know anything about Firefox . Have you tried the Firefox forums. Or
uninstall Firefox and then re-install or try the uninstaller below
Don Zeigler said:So, some people don't want that crap intertwined with their browser. The
provided a helpful link, in a relevant newsgroup. Problem?
Don Zeigler said:He was posting a solution to a Firefox issue, not looking for help with
You have a strange sense of the relevant. a WINDOWS VISTA group
receives a post on how to remove .NET from FIREFOX. Umm, how relevant
is that to VISTA?
DanS said:So what you are saying is noone that uses Vista also uses Firefox ?
Gordon said:No - but it's not relevant to VISTA.
Gordon said:You have a strange sense of the relevant. a WINDOWS VISTA group receives a
post on how to remove .NET from FIREFOX. Umm, how relevant is that to VISTA
Gordon said:No - but it's not relevant to VISTA.
Jack said:Just what do you think the technology is going to do to harm the browser?
Gordon said:Then he should have posted to a FIREFOX group. I don't see FIREFOX in the
name of this one. Do you?
Don said:Doesn't matter whether it does harm or not, if I don't want something on my
system I don't want it on there, period.
Don Zeigler said:Oh, so you can only talk about Vista here and not the apps that run under
Don Zeigler said:Maybe one or two Vista users run Firefox, rocket scientist.
Gordon said:Certainly. I do as a matter of fact. If I have a problem with FIREFOX, I go
to a FIREFOX group or forum, NOT a VISTA one.
Don Zeigler said:You're not worth the electrons it takes to arrange your crap on my screen.