how to remove logon information which is applied to crystal report after prining the report

  • Thread starter Thread starter Venkatesha R
  • Start date Start date

Venkatesha R

Hi All,
Iam creating the report object then applying the logon information to the
database which the report uses then printing it in printer and finally
disposing the report object . after this iam trying to compress the database
which is used by the report object. but the program says "couldnot open the
database. it is exclusively opened by the user" .please give me some
solution for this.
here is my printing report code.
LBL003 objRptLBL003 = new LBL003();


objRptLBL003.PrintOptions.PrinterName = "";

objRptLBL003.PrintToPrinter(_intPrintCopies,false,1,1); // if i comment
this line my compress database program works otherwise not



Venkatesha R