How to remove Dual mode logging

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Hello Group
I have XP-Pro loaded on Disk 0 (60GB) and Linux on Disk 1(80GB). When the
system starts, it prompts to select either Linux or XP as the working
environment. However, i want to move to just Windows XP environment. Detailed
step by step instruction to accomplish that shall be highly appretiated.
Thanks for your time and attention.
If you use NT loader, edit the system hidden boot.ini file at the root of
%systemdrive% (apparently C:) or open System Properties/Advanced/Startup and
Recovery Settings/System startup, choose default operating system, then
proceed either with Edit or simply clear first checkbox.
If you use GRUB or LILO, uninstall it and recover NT loader etc.
The boot.ini file has following information:
[boot loader]
timeout = 30
default = multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS = "Microsoft Windows XP
Professional"/fastdetect/NoExecute = OptIn
Please inform what should be the edited message? Further, when i follow the
path Control Panel/System/Advanced/Startup and Recovery/Setting, pressing
EDit button for manually editing the startup options file, opens up the file
info in notepad instead of word pad. How i can instruct the computer to open
this file in Word Pad so as to carry out required editing?
I don't know how to use NT Loader or whether it is part of my system ,
that's why followed the above mentioned route. Similarly, no idea about GRUB
or LILO?
Hope you won't mind helping me solve this issue.
The boot.ini file isn't quite good but you don't need to edit it for a

Just search the Internet and read Linux man about 'uninstalling' GRUB/LILO.
If you reluctant to search, boot from the Windows XP CD into the Recovery
Console, enter the command 'map' and post the output at least.