1. Some of my whole day events turned into 2 days events. Also a beginning
and ending time were added to some of them them, and some of them were also
duplicated. I tried to manually remove the duplicates but unfortunately these
events completely dispapeared from my Pocket PC. It seems that the problem
created by sycnchronizing with my pocket PC by ActiveSync. Most of the
problematic events are birthdays and anniversaries.
One solution I thought of, is to remove and reinstall all birhtdays and
anniverseries but I don't know how to do it. I can manually remove all
birhtdays and anniversaries but how to automatically reinsall them?
and ending time were added to some of them them, and some of them were also
duplicated. I tried to manually remove the duplicates but unfortunately these
events completely dispapeared from my Pocket PC. It seems that the problem
created by sycnchronizing with my pocket PC by ActiveSync. Most of the
problematic events are birthdays and anniversaries.
One solution I thought of, is to remove and reinstall all birhtdays and
anniverseries but I don't know how to do it. I can manually remove all
birhtdays and anniversaries but how to automatically reinsall them?