How to remove a file that's infected?



A file has been identified on my pc as being infected
with a Trojan Horse virus but when I try to locate it, I
can't find it. I only get the warning of the virus being
detected after I start up Internet Explorer and it resets
my home page. File name/location winnt/DNSErr.dll

I have WinXP home and am running Norton Antivirus 2004
but it can't remove the virus.

Any suggestions?


Thanks for the info. I can not locate either of the
identified entries in my registry and can't find the file
when searching in Safe mode. Any other suggestions?

David Candy

Well it seems to be at c:\winnt\dnserr32.dll. Unless you ticked advanced options Search doesn't search this folder.

Type cmd in Start Run

dir /a c:\winnt\dnserr32.dll

which should show it.

Then type

ren c:\winnt\dnserr32.dll c:\winnt\dnserr32.bak

Reboot, type cmd then

del c:\winnt\dnserr32.bak

Windows will happily allow open files to be renamed - when you reboot whatever is starting it will not be able to find it under it's new name.

What does Norton's say the name is.


I saw the message again when I logged on today and the
file is located C:\winnt\dnserr.dll

I received another virus message from norton when I went
to delete another virus and have not recieved the virus
alert since. The virus I was deleting was the iedll.exe
file. When I went into the Win Media folder to rename
the file, I encountered the downloader.tooncom virus.
Norton deleted that one for me.

I followed the steps you've identified below and can not
locate the file. I'll keep watching for it and follow
these steps if I encounter this again.

Thanks for your help!
-----Original Message-----
Well it seems to be at c:\winnt\dnserr32.dll. Unless you
ticked advanced options Search doesn't search this
Type cmd in Start Run

dir /a c:\winnt\dnserr32.dll

which should show it.

Then type

ren c:\winnt\dnserr32.dll c:\winnt\dnserr32.bak

Reboot, type cmd then

del c:\winnt\dnserr32.bak

Windows will happily allow open files to be renamed -
when you reboot whatever is starting it will not be able
to find it under it's new name.

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