how to reinstall windows defender in windows vista

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A few weeks ago I uninstalled windows defender in my vista.
Now, I want to reinstall it again. In spite of being downloaded de the
windows defender installar, I cannot re installit in my vista system. Un
error appears saying than I cant install windows Defender in a windows vista
sistem since its a componente of the operating sistem.

How can I reintall it avoiding this error?
Hello Santi,

Try using system restore. there should be a restore point. Choose the point
just before the uninstall of WD was done.

This should restore your PC back the way it was.

Best of luck to you,

For the benefit of the community reading this post, please rate the pºst.

I hope this post is helpful.

Let us know how it works ºut.


The best part of repentance is little sinning.-----Arabian Proverb
I'm having the same problem as Santi but my system restore is not working.
Is there any way of actually reinstalling windows defender on Vista?