how to register for it's in German???



how to register for it's in German???

hi all,

I've used for many years, and now I'm
trying to subscribe for the pay service. During the registration
process, it send you to a screen which is written in German, to
enter your credit card data. So far as I can tell, in my
high-school-hogans-heroes-level German, it's asking for an
id name and password, but I can't be certain.

Anybody have any clue what's going on here, or any
German speakers present?

It's a good service, well worth paying for in my opinion,
but I would kinda like to know what I'm signing up for.

Rob Kelk

how to register for it's in German???

hi all,

I've used for many years, and now I'm
trying to subscribe for the pay service. During the registration
process, it send you to a screen which is written in German, to
enter your credit card data. So far as I can tell, in my
high-school-hogans-heroes-level German, it's asking for an
id name and password, but I can't be certain.

Anybody have any clue what's going on here, or any
German speakers present?

It's a good service, well worth paying for in my opinion,
but I would kinda like to know what I'm signing up for.

Set up your Firstgate account before you set up your
account - that way, you have control over the language.

Michael Rainey

You will when you go to the payment screens. When you get there, select USA
and English from the combo boxes, and all will be in perfect English.


kwijybo said:
how to register for it's in German???

hi all,

I've used for many years, and now I'm
trying to subscribe for the pay service. During the registration
process, it send you to a screen which is written in German, to
enter your credit card data. So far as I can tell, in my
high-school-hogans-heroes-level German, it's asking for an
id name and password, but I can't be certain.

Anybody have any clue what's going on here, or any
German speakers present?

It's a good service, well worth paying for in my opinion,
but I would kinda like to know what I'm signing up for.

I think it is rude of them to just have it in German. If they want me to
use their system and be a paying customer, I want the pages in English or I
will just go elsewhere.

Black Pearl

Brian said:

I think it is rude of them to just have it in German. If they want me to
use their system and be a paying customer, I want the pages in English or
I will just go elsewhere.
Idiotic attitude.

I'll bet you're American.

Libor Striz

how to register for it's in German???

hi all,

Anybody have any clue what's going on here, or any
German speakers present?

It's a good service, well worth paying for in my opinion,
but I would kinda like to know what I'm signing up for.
Try use translating webproxy babel.altavista.
Put just before german url


little complex prefix:


so you will have:


It will translate it for you on the fly...

"Libor the Wanderer" <[email protected]>

Any supposed offense is because of bad english a/o formulation
and was not intended.

Libor Striz


Better yet, simply follow the "English Version" link at the bottom of
the page in question...
For this particular goal it is for sure better.
I intended my reply more as general advice
for reading non english pages in english.
(for common languages change "lp=de_en" to "lp=xx_en"

Excelent for this is using MyIE2 ( or Maxthon ) as IE frontend.
There are menu tools for such translations.

"Libor the Wanderer" <[email protected]>

Any supposed offense is because of bad english a/o formulation
and was not intended.

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