How to register at AVG forum?

  • Thread starter Clueless in Seattle
  • Start date

Clueless in Seattle

I'd sure be grateful for some help figuring out how to register at the
AVG forum web page:

Due to a combination of aging and an eye injury my vision is impaired
and I'm unable to find the registration or "contact us" link on that

Could one of you reading this go take a look at that page and report
back to me how to find the link that would allow me to register for
that forum?

Many thanks!

Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless"


I'd sure be grateful for some help figuring out how to register at the
AVG forum web page:

Due to a combination of aging and an eye injury my vision is impaired
and I'm unable to find the registration or "contact us" link on that

Could one of you reading this go take a look at that page and report
back to me how to find the link that would allow me to register for
that forum?

It looks to me like you must first register your copy of AVG. Take a
look here concerning the use of the Forum:

I dunno but I suspect that with registration you will receive
something from them concerning a password and a link to
a log-in page.


Clueless in Seattle

Art said:
It looks to me like you must first register your copy of AVG. Take a
look here concerning the use of the Forum:

I dunno but I suspect that with registration you will receive
something from them concerning a password and a link to
a log-in page.


Thanks Art!

It looks like you found the answer I was looking for. But I still
have a problem:

I tried to register at the Grisoft site. I entered my email address
and clicked "Continue" but got this error message: "Field 'e-mail' is

I double checked and triple checked my email address, and I've entered
it correctly.
The email address I entered is the same one I use here in the Google
groups and in most web forums.

Can anyone think of why it is calling my email address "invalid."

Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless


Saw this (in small print):
To register for the AVG Free Forum and other On-line Services, please
go to the Information menu in your installed AVG Free and select
Register Online. If you are not using AVG Free, please download and
install AVG Free Edition and then go to the Information menu and select
Register Online.
So it looks like you register through a menu choice in AVG Free.


I tried to register at the Grisoft site. I entered my email address
and clicked "Continue" but got this error message: "Field 'e-mail' is

A fair number of legit websites will not accept
google/yahoo/hotmail/etc. addresses for registration purposes. They
want a real ISP address.

I don't know if AVG is that way or not; perhaps it is.

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