How to refer cell E53 from the previous (=next left) worksheet?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff Korn
  • Start date Start date

Jeff Korn

I want to refer in let say the current cell B74 of the current worksheet the value of
the cell E53 in the previous (=next left) worksheet.

In other words if I enter the value 4567.89 in cell E53 of a worksheet that exact this value should
appear in cell B74 of the next right worksheet (regardsless if the labels/names of the worksheets).

How can I setup such a reference?

There is the obvious of typing = then selectign the cell from the prior
worksheet, but I assume you want the process automated. Since the sheet names
can vary, I don't know if there is any code that will cover that. May want to
check within the Programming section of this group...
Say we have the typical Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, .....
Select Sheet1, cell E53 and define a Name for that cell ( say jeff)

Then select Sheet2 and pick any cell and enter:
The formula will pick up the value from Sheet1. You can re-name Sheet1 and
the formula will still stay valid.