Gerry said:
This should be answered by someone who uses Vista.
** Only regarding the importing into Windows Mail, as DL pointed out. The
original question was, "Can any one out thre give me a clue on the location
of the old e-mails," and the old e-mails are on an XP installation.
To restore your mail folders, open OE and click File| Import| Messages|
** But Marcelo doesn't have a working XP installation, just a slaved disk,
and so can't open OE!
Marcelo, you need to search for files with the .dbx extension on your old
drive, as Philo said. The default location is:
C:\Documents and Settings\<name>\Local Settings\Application
Data\Identities\{string of characters}\Microsoft\Outlook Express
although it of course won't be "C:\" for you but some other letter.
Make sure you've enabled showing of Hidden Files, as Gerry said. You may
also need to take ownership of the files and folders on your slaved XP disk
from within Vista. There is a Microsoft article on how to do this for XP
How to take ownership of a file or folder in Windows XP
but I can't offhand see one for Vista. You could do your own research, or
just use the XP article as a guide - I expect the procedure to be largely
the same, barring a few UAC pop-ups. Caveat emptor, though.
If you still can't locate the DBX files, I'd suggest using a decent search
utility such as Agent Ransack (). I've never trusted XP's built in Search
function - its default setting *isn't* to search for all files or within all
files, it needs tweaking to do that. I don't know if Microsoft improved
things with Vista, but I'd guess not.
I take it (he said, somewhat prissily) that you haven't got a copy of your
e-mail messages, taken as part of your regular back-up routine, that you can
work from, then? ;-)
Once you've found the files, you'll then need to look into the business of
importing the messages into Windows Mail. This is beyond the scope of this
group, although you've had some good pointers already. I wouldn't go down
the path that you propose of using Vista's backup feature to restore files
from the slaved drive to Vista. That's going all round the houses (probably
a uniquely English expression!); once you've located the files, import them
directly using Windows Mail - however that's done, precisely. There *are*
differences between Windows Mail and OE, though not necessarily in the
underlying storage structure. You should do some research or post to a Vista
or Windows Mail group if you need assistance with that.
Good luck!