Alejandro said:
Well, I had my laptop stolen yesterday and now I'm planning on using come old
parts to build a backup PC meanwhile. Since the sticker for Windows XP Home
originally installed in that laptop went away attached to it, is there a way
I can recover that license since it's already registered in my name so I can
use it in the PC I'm building? I have to say there's no chance I can remember
the serial for Win nor I have a scan or pic of its sticker.
Thanks in advance for your help
I'm afraid that you couldn't reuse that license, even if you did have
the Product Key written down somewhere. Two reasons:
1) OEM versions must be sold with a piece of non-peripheral
hardware (normally a motherboard or hard drive, if not an entire PC) and
are _permanently_ bound to the first PC on which they are installed. An
OEM license, once installed, is not legally transferable to another
computer under *any* circumstances. This is the main reason some people
avoid OEM versions; if the PC dies or is otherwise disposed of (even
stolen), you cannot re-use your OEM license on a new PC. The only
legitimate way to transfer the ownership of an OEM license is to
transfer ownership of the entire PC.
2) If the OEM DVD was designed by a specific manufacturer, such as
eMachines, Sony, Dell, Gateway, etc., it will most likely only install
on the same brand of PC, as an additional anti-piracy feature. Further,
such DVDs are severely customized to contain only the minimum of device
drivers, and a lot of extra nonsense, that the manufacturer feels
necessary for the specific model of PC for which the DVD was designed.
Just make sure you include the cost of a new operating system license
in your insurance claim.
Bruce Chambers
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Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell
The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot