I know it surely have been discussed before but I think I am in a
special situation.
Here's my drive info:
Model : MAXTOR 6L040J2
Interface Type : IDE
TotalHeads : 255
TotalCylinders : 4866
TotalTracks : 1240830
TotalSectors : 78172290
Tracks Per Cylinder : 255
Sectors Per Track : 63
Bytes Per Sector : 512 Bytes
Total Space : 38170 MB
Status : OK
I have a 18175 Mo NTFS partition at the beginning of my drive.
The rest is a single unformated partition
Here's my history:
I had a NTFS partition at the beginning of my drive and a 1024 Mo
FAT32 partition at the very end of my drive.
I used fdisk and wiped all my partitions.
I created a new NTFS partition on the first 18175 Mo.
I created a new partion which I did not formated on the remaining of
the drive.
What I want:
I want to get back the data from my 1024 Mo FAT32 partition I had.
Is that possible? How? Be as detailled as possible. What cluster
should my old partition start from?
The data is still there since I didnt write over it and didnt formated
the partition.
Please reply to L0x_ at msn.com
special situation.
Here's my drive info:
Model : MAXTOR 6L040J2
Interface Type : IDE
TotalHeads : 255
TotalCylinders : 4866
TotalTracks : 1240830
TotalSectors : 78172290
Tracks Per Cylinder : 255
Sectors Per Track : 63
Bytes Per Sector : 512 Bytes
Total Space : 38170 MB
Status : OK
I have a 18175 Mo NTFS partition at the beginning of my drive.
The rest is a single unformated partition
Here's my history:
I had a NTFS partition at the beginning of my drive and a 1024 Mo
FAT32 partition at the very end of my drive.
I used fdisk and wiped all my partitions.
I created a new NTFS partition on the first 18175 Mo.
I created a new partion which I did not formated on the remaining of
the drive.
What I want:
I want to get back the data from my 1024 Mo FAT32 partition I had.
Is that possible? How? Be as detailled as possible. What cluster
should my old partition start from?
The data is still there since I didnt write over it and didnt formated
the partition.
Please reply to L0x_ at msn.com