How to read Outlook attachments in .NET ?

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I have tried Jet.OLEDB with OleDbDataAdapter(sqlText, connectionString), but
this doesn't seem to let me identify or more importantly open attachments.
normally, e-mail messages are sent in MIME format. This means that you have
a multipart message, with each part having its own format and termination
string. Attachments are simply parts of the message, as are the HTML and
Text versions of the e-mail message.

Data adapters won't help. It isn't a database record.
--- Nick
Nick, thanks, but I believe outlook data is stored in a db. I can read all
data from outlook except for an attached message. Using an XmlDataDocument
gives me the email schema, and the data:
<Importance>... blah-blah-bla
Are you reading the PST or OST file?

If so, then your question is certainly a valid one, but you may be better
off asking it on one of the Exchange-related newsgroups. Programming
against Exchange or Outlook is a pretty eclectic skill and the exchange
forum has more gurus in that particular technical area.

I know that it is possible. I believe it may require a COM Interop to do
what you are trying to do, but I'm not sure.

Good luck,
--- Nick