Vinay, I had to do this for a project I am working on and without posting
the whole of my code I basically had to do this manually by running the
following sql statement against the database then recursing through the
results and manually creating the relevant constraints in the dataset. (This
is running against Sql Server)
select object_name(constid) as constraint_name,
upper(substring(object_name(fkeyid),1,1)) +
substring(object_name(fkeyid),2,255) as table_name,
upper(substring(col_name(fkeyid, fkey),1,1)) + substring(col_name(fkeyid,
fkey),2,255) as column_name,
upper(substring(object_name(rkeyid),1,1)) +
substring(object_name(rkeyid),2,255) as referenced_table_name,
upper(substring(col_name(rkeyid, rkey),1,1)) + substring(col_name(rkeyid,
rkey),2,255) as referenced_column_name from sysforeignkeys
order by table_name, constraint_name,referenced_table_name, keyno
If you find an easier way to do this please let me know
Steve Willcock (MCSD for Microsoft.NET)
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your reply. Iam able to read the schema of table in DS usinf
DA.FillSchema() method. Im able to get the primary key using
DS.Table("Name").PrimaryKey but I am not getting the foreign keys.
Can u suugest how can I obtain foriegn key?
Below is a method I use to get the entire schema for a table. Simply
the DataAdapter.FillSchema() method on any SelectCommand and then you'll
have the properties you're looking for. For performance reasons, once I
the schema for the table I store it in cache as an XML schema (no data)
so I
can use it again later w/o another round trip the the DB.
Also if you want to read the constraints on the table (after you have
GetSchema) just loop thru the table's constraints property. You'll need
check the Type of each constraint to see if it is a PrimaryKey,
or other. If you're using C# just use "is" or you can use the base
GetType() method to find out what kind it is.
private static string DiscoverXmlSchema(SqlConnection connection, string
if( connection == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException(
"connection" );
if( TableName == null || TableName.Length == 0 ) throw new
ArgumentNullException( "TableName" );
//DataSet ds = SqlDal.ExecuteDataset( connection, CommandType.Text,
TOP 0 * FROM " + TableName );
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT TOP 0 * FROM " +
da.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
ds.Tables[0].TableName = TableName;
string Xml = ds.GetXmlSchema();
if( Xml == null || Xml.Length == 0 )
return null;
return Xml;
Iam trying hard to read the constraints over any table using
obects in C#. Can anyone suggest the method for retreivint the
any table .
Moreover when I try reading tableschema(as XMLfile) it gives the coumn
and type ,but it do not give me the column length. How I can get the
of coumn?
Vinay C