If I construct a new Select command I use parameters to fill in the data i
want to query for.
Sometimes I make mistakes and I would then like to check the text directly
on the sql server. Before I started using parameters I could just copy the
commandtext to the server and see what happens, but if I do that now, I see
the parameters, not their values.
How can I see the commandtext as it is executed by the server?
mycmd = new commandtext("Select * from Table1 Where user = @user",connection")
mycmd.parameters.add("@user",varchar,25).value = "myself"
I would like to see: "Select * from Table1 Where user = 'myself'"
Is this possible?
If I construct a new Select command I use parameters to fill in the data i
want to query for.
Sometimes I make mistakes and I would then like to check the text directly
on the sql server. Before I started using parameters I could just copy the
commandtext to the server and see what happens, but if I do that now, I see
the parameters, not their values.
How can I see the commandtext as it is executed by the server?
mycmd = new commandtext("Select * from Table1 Where user = @user",connection")
mycmd.parameters.add("@user",varchar,25).value = "myself"
I would like to see: "Select * from Table1 Where user = 'myself'"
Is this possible?