Obvisouly there's a driver for the serial port sitting between .net and
the hardware, but is this provided by MS or the manufacturer? Is it
something that I can get at or replace?
Microsoft provides information in its documentation to create the serial
driver by the manufactuer. If they make a mistake, there is nothing you or
I can do except to ask them for help (demand?).
Certainly there are things that your application might be doing that could
cause a memory loss, too. Perhaps a first step would be to write the
simplest code that simply opens the port, reads data into a dummy variable
(without processing it) and continues that way. If you see some sort of
memory loss with this simple scenario -- where your code does NOTHING, then
the place to look is in the lower level routines (OEM). However, if you
don't see a problem with this, then... Look higher. And, I don't mean,
Richard Grier, MVP
Hard & Software
Author of Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications, Fourth
ISBN 1-890422-28-2 (391 pages, includes CD-ROM). July 2004, Revised March
www.hardandsoftware.net for details and contact information.