How to read active Excel celll value by external vb application?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jack
  • Start date Start date


I've asked that question before but that thread appears dead now.
My applications is developed in vbasic5.
I need for it to get Windows notification when user clicks on the cell and
retrieve the cell value.

I did exactly as Rob van Gelder advised me in the another thread.
1. I installed Excel and load the reference to Excel Object Library in my
vbasic5 code.
2. I created Class1 module and put the following code in there.
Public WithEvents app As Excel.Application

Private Sub app_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As
MsgBox "Selection Changed"
End Sub
3. I put the another code in Form_Load of my app:
Dim cls As New Class1, wkb As Excel.Workbook

Set = New Excel.Application

Set wkb =
wkb.Worksheets(1).Cells(10, 10).Select
MsgBox ActiveCell.Value
Set = Nothing
Set cls = Nothing

When I start my app I have message: "Selection changed" (although I did
nothing to my Excel sheet) followed by the empty message box (MsgBox
When I select another cell in Excel there is not any notification my app is
aware of.
It looks like ActiveCell.Value is not able to retrieve the cell value

What I need is:
1. Get notified the user clicked on Excel cell
2. Retrieve the value of that cell

Please help,
it looks like the lines
wkb.Worksheets(1).Cells(10, 10).Select
MsgBox ActiveCell.Value
are programatically selecting the cell I 10 and showing the value of that
try putting something in i10 and see if it gives you a value

Thank you, Pete.
I know how to retrieve cell value now.
Do you know how to get Windows notification that user has selected another
cell (that another cell has became ACTIVE)?
My code is already hooked up to Windows.