Here goes:
* Start LDP
* -> Connection -> Connect
* Enter the FQDN of the RID Master FSMO or leave it blank if LDP is run on
the RID Master FSMO
* Port = 389, Connectionless = unchecked, SSL = unchecked
* Click OK
* -> Connection -> Bind
* Enter a user account with at least domain admin permission and its
password and its domain OR leave all blank if the logged on credentials have
domain admins permissions
* Click OK
* -> View -> Tree
* Enter the DN of the domain NC for which you want to increase the domain
RID pool OR leave blank to use the DN of the domain you are logged on to
* Click OK
* Navigate to CN=RID Manager$,CN=System,DC=<DOMAIN>,DC=<TLD>
* Doubleclick on CN=RID Manager$,CN=System,DC=<DOMAIN>,DC=<TLD>
* Rightclikc on CN=RID Manager$,CN=System,DC=<DOMAIN>,DC=<TLD>
* In the right screen copy the NAME of the attribute called rIDAvailablePool
and insert that into field called "attribute:"
* In the right screen copy the VALUE of the attribute called
rIDAvailablePool (e.g. 4611686014132423214) ADD the value YOU want to
increase (e.g. 100000) and insert the total result (e.g.
4611686014132523214) into the field called "values:"
* For the operation check REPLACE
* Click on ENTER
* On the "Entrty List" you should see something like:
"[Replace]rIDAvailablePool: 4611686014132523214" (without quotes)
* Check "Synchronous"
* Uncheck "Extended"
* Click on RUN
* Click on CLOSE
* Check the result on the right window. You should see something like:
***Call Modify...
ldap_modify_s(ld, 'CN=RID Manager$,CN=System,DC=<DOMAIN>,DC=<TLD>',[1]
Modified "CN=RID Manager$,CN=System,DC=<DOMAIN>,DC=<TLD>".
* Close LDP
The rIDAvailablePool is now increased
Make sure you test this FIRST in a TEST ENVIRONMENT!!!