There are several ways to accomplish this. If you want it the nice way (the
hardest and most time consuming to create) you could install SharePoint
Portal Service, create a special website around it, create custom Forms in
Outlook and create a Workflow to process the forms, give the status of the
task, send mail to responsible persons and update the status of the
workplace in the view for the task creator and lots more you specified in
the custom form.
If you just want to go for basic functionality (like the tasks in Outlook)
with no special form you can instruct those people to use OWA (Outlook Web
Acces) or specify the weblink to the public folder like
http://mailserver/public/ITtasks. Make sure you've got your permissions set
correctly so that only the right people can create, edit and/or delete the
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Taylor said:
I would like to set up a web interface where everybody in our office can
go to (they do not have outlook on every machine) and can submit IT tasks
that will be viewed in outlook by 3 IT technicians. I have a windows 2003
server and Exchange Server 2003 in place. How would I go about doing this?