How to querry network for machines running the .NET runtime?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike S
  • Start date Start date

Mike S

I am trying to find out what percentage of machines on my network have the
..NET runtime installed. What would be the best reccomendation for this
(other than SMS)?

Is using WSH & WMI an answer? Can anyone point me in te right direction?
I came up with a solution. Whether or not it's the best one, I don't know,
but it works.


1) Export list of computer names from a container or query in Active
Directory Users and Computers.

2) Run script

'copy and paste this into the command window and hit enter

'be sure to change the paths if necessary

cscript "<ScriptPath>\<ScriptName>.vbs" "<FilePath>" "<HostFileName>"
"<LogFileName>" 1

3) View Log

The script:


Dim strLogMessage

Dim strIpFile

Dim strLogFile

Dim strPath

Dim intExtendedLog






On Error Resume Next

' Check Script Engine

If right(ucase(wscript.FullName),11)="WSCRIPT.EXE" Then

strLogMessage = strLogMessage & LogMessage( "ERROR: You must run this
script using cscript, for example 'cscript " & wscript.scriptname & "'.", 1,
1 )

wscript.quit 0

End If

' Check USAGE

If wscript.arguments.count <> 4 Then

strLogMessage = strLogMessage & LogMessage( "Usage: cscript " &
wscript.scriptname & " <Path> <IpFile.txt> <LogFile> <ExtendedLog>" & vbCrLf
& vbCrLf & _

" <Path> must be a full path of a folder that contains all of these
files:" & vbCrLf & _

" " & strIpFile & vbCrLf & _

" " & strLogFile & vbCrLf , 1, 1 )


End If

' Set Command Switch Variables

strPath = wscript.arguments(0)

strIpFile = wscript.arguments(1)

strLogFile = wscript.arguments(2)

intExtendedLog = wscript.arguments(3)

If intExtendedLog<>"0" Then




End If

' Verify that ipfile is accessible.

Set onet = createobject("")

Set ofs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

Set oipFile = ofs.opentextfile(strIpFile, 1, false)

If (Err.Number <> 0) Then

strLogMessage = strLogMessage & LogMessage( "Cannot open " & strIpFile,
1, 1 )


End If

' Make sure to end with a \ character.

If Right(strPath, 1) <> "\" Then

strPath = strPath & "\"

End If

Set osvcLocal = getobject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")

'The error-handling code is below the function that may throw one - execute

On Error Resume Next

While Not oipFile.atEndOfStream

ip = oipFile.ReadLine()

ip = Trim( ip )

strLogMessage = strLogMessage & LogMessage( "Connecting to " & ip &
"...", 0, intExtendedLog )


Set osvcRemote =
GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\" & ip &

If (Err.Number <> 0) Then

strLogMessage = strLogMessage & LogMessage( "Failed to connect to
" & ip & ".", 1, intExtendedLog )


'exeCorrectPatch = detectOSVersion( osvcRemote )

'if (exeCorrectPatch <> "") then

' Lay the bits on the remote computer.

strLogMessage = strLogMessage & LogMessage( "Checking for
..NET Runtime " & exeCorrectPatch & "...", 0, intExtendedLog )

strLogMessage = strLogMessage &
LogMessage( ip & vbtab & FindTheRuntime( osvcRemote, ip ), 1,
intExtendedLog )

strLogMessage = strLogMessage &
LogMessage( "Check Complete.", 0, intExtendedLog )

'End If

End If ' Do the next IP address, then the next IP address...

'short delay

wscript.Sleep 500 ' Sleep one half second.



Set oipFile = Nothing

strLogMessage = strLogMessage & LogMessage( "Script complete. Exiting.", 0,
intExtendedLog )

'commit the log info to a file

Set logFile = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

Set oFileStream = logFile.CreateTextFile( strPath & strLogFile, True )

oFileStream.Write( strLogMessage )


Set oFileStream = Nothing

Set logFile = Nothing

Function FindTheRuntime( osvcRemote, ip )

strRuntime="Microsoft .NET Framework"


For Each Process In osvcRemote.InstancesOf("Win32_product")

If InStr( 1, Process.Name, strRuntime, 1 )>0 Then


Exit For

End If


FindTheRuntime = bFound

End Function

Function detectOSVersion( osvcRemote )

Dim systemType

systemType="do it"

set oOSInfo = osvcRemote.InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")

'Only one instance is ever returned (the currently active OS), even
though the following is a foreach.

For Each objOperatingSystem In oOSInfo

If (objOperatingSystem.OSType <> 18) Then

' Make sure that this computer is Windows NT-based.

strLogMessage = strLogMessage & LogMessage( ip & " is not a
Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows 2003 Server computer.", 0,
intExtendedLog )


systemType = objOperatingSystem.Version

End If


detectOSPatch = systemType

End Function

Function LogMessage( theMessage, isMandatoryMessage, useExtendedLog )

If isMandatoryMessage=1 OR useExtendedLog=1 Then

wscript.echo theMessage

LogMessage = vbcrlf & theMessage


wscript.echo theMessage

LogMessage = ""

End If

End Function
