how to put result of shell function into variable in vb 6?

Jun 30, 2005
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Hi all .I have difficulty outputing the value of shell function into massagebox by using regoutput variable. Currently the shell function writes the output to .reg file but i want i want to output it to massage box but it never works!! The output value is list of registery information which are half a page char mostly .

i tried diffrent datatyes and i got diffrent 4 digit integer each time!!
Below is the code and it writes the correct registery values into .reg file but i want to display it in massagebox and non of the data types works!!

Is there any way to display the registeiory information directly into massage box instead of writing it to reg file.?
since i evantually want to get rid of wirting to file process .
I be happy if some expert help me.Thanks

Private Sub Reg(Path As String)

[B]Dim regoutput[/B]

[B]task_id [/B] = shell("Regedit.exe /e " & Chr(34) & Path & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & _
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER" & "\" & "Software\me\" & Chr(34))
'The Char For " is Chr(34)

MsgBox "shell function output: [B]"+regoutput[/B]
End Sub

Private Sub Save_Click()

On Error Resume Next

CD.DialogTitle = "Save Registry Backup File As..."
CD.InitDir = App.Path
CD.Flags = &H4
CD.Filter = "Registry File Format (*.reg)|*.reg"

If InStr(CD.FileName, ".reg") Then

[B]Call Reg(CD.FileName)[/B]


Text1.Text = CD.FileName

End If

End Sub
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