G Guest Mar 17, 2006 #1 Dear all, How can I programmatically focus to next control in a form by tabIndex order? Tedmond
M Morten Wennevik Mar 17, 2006 #2 Hi Tedmond, The Control class has a GetNextControl method that will return the next or previous control in the tab order list.
Hi Tedmond, The Control class has a GetNextControl method that will return the next or previous control in the tab order list.
T Tim Wilson Mar 17, 2006 #3 You can use the SelectNextControl method. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/d...wsformscontrolclassselectnextcontroltopic.asp
You can use the SelectNextControl method. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/d...wsformscontrolclassselectnextcontroltopic.asp