Hi, I´m tavosoft , I wanna learn to program computers.
1. Which are your advice to become a good programmer?
I see a concrete and an abstract side to this:
Try to understand what the code is really doing. Don't just use some
code because you have seen that it works, try to understand why it
works. I have done some machine code programming, and I find that
knowing on a bit level what's happening really helps in understanding
what's going on.
Try to learn how to write good code. Good code is not just code that
works, but robust and well behaving code that is easy to understand,
easy to maintain and easy to debug.
2. How do you acquire the logic?
By reading and by doing.
Pretty much all has been done before (you just rearrange or reinvent
existing knowledge), and a lot of people write about what they have
done, so there is a lot to learn from reading some of it.
Some of the process of problem solving can be learned theorietically,
but you definitely need a lot of practice to be good at it.
3. Is necessary to know mathematics , specifically algebra to be a good
Definitely. You use abstract algebra and boolean algebra all the time
when programming.
You can muddle throught with simple expressions without knowing the
theory behind it, but when you need more complex expressions you are
lost without at least a basic knowledge of the mathematics used.