Hi Wolfmasterr
Not sure whether this post posted, so here goes again.
I take it that you use row 14 only to input the info for your receipt?
Set up your receipt sheet (Sheet 2) as suggested. Use Column A as your
headings. In row 14 on your other sheet, create a field called Number in
cell F14, and insert the next receipt number there.
Now press<Alt><F11>, click on Insert| Module, and copy the following code
Dim cRoom As Long
Dim pAmount As Integer
Dim dFrom As Date
Dim dTo As Date
Dim cells
If IsEmpty(Range("A14")) Then
GoTo Errorhandler
End If
rNumber = Range("F14")
cName = Range("A14")
cRoom = Range("B14")
pAmount = Range("C14")
dFrom = Range("D14")
dTo = Range("E14")
Range("D3") = rNumber
Range("D5") = Now()
Range("B7") = cName
Range("B9") = pAmount
Range("B12") = cRoom
Range("B14") = dFrom
Range("D14") = dTo

ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
rNumber = rNumber + 1
Range("F14") = rNumber
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Please complete details before attempting this operation")
Exit Sub
End Sub
I would suggest that you add code to save your work, after every receipt is
printed, to ensure that your numbers are always correct. You run this macro
by pressing <Alt><F8>, selecting the macro and clicking on Run. You can also
add a button to the right of, or below the current input range on Sheet 1,
and run the macro from there.