How to print out history

  • Thread starter Thread starter Oscar Vogel
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Oscar Vogel

How can I print out IE's history.

I'm the PC tech for our company and I want to print out the list of sites
that a user has visited so that I can include it into a report for mgmt.

Hi Oscar,

Here is a link to create a context menu for Window Explorer to print a file

(I am going to use this myself!)
To view the History folder in Window Explorer enter the following protocol



For each user on a PC their History folder is located under Root:\Documents
and Settings\User Name\Local Settings\History

You should be able to work out how to have a scheduled task print (or pipe)
the users history
I'm not able to see the contents of the History folder when I use a command
"dir /a". And when I use "cd today" or "cd Monday" the response is "The
system cannot find the path specified".

Of coarse, in Windows Explorer you can see those things that look like
folders called Today, Tuesday, Monday, Last Week, etc. I don't know what
they are called, but I don't think they are subfolders.

So if I can't see them when I use a command prompt, then I don't see how I
can print them.

Any ideas? Or what am I missing?

Hi Oscar, Yes I tried the same with your results. mmm there appears to be
some software out there that will do the job.

There is the issue of privacy though. Perhaps the same result (that is the
employees unauthorised use of the company computer system could be curbed)
could be achieved if you just said to them that they may be monitored. I
know local law prohibit employee monitoring without disclosure.
Thanks! I guess I'll have to find some sort of software. But I'm surprised
there's no native way to simply print a list of what sites have been visited
(Like you can print lists of files & folders).
think it comes under Shell Special Folders, probably need FSO. Its given me
some ideas though. I may do some work on it.
I'm not able to see the contents of the History folder when I use a command
"dir /a". And when I use "cd today" or "cd Monday" the response is "The
system cannot find the path specified".

The History folder is a special folder implemented by a Desktop.ini
and index.dat file. The implementation does not include physical
representations of the views that it can show you.

Of coarse, in Windows Explorer you can see those things that look like
folders called Today, Tuesday, Monday, Last Week, etc. I don't know what
they are called, but I don't think they are subfolders.

So if I can't see them when I use a command prompt, then I don't see how I
can print them.

Any ideas? Or what am I missing?

Here is how I answered this question the last time it came up:

You need to capture each user's History.IE5\index.dat and then
read it with a special formatter. Originally there was some shareware
called History Reader from Wolfgang Baudisch which I used
to inform posters of whenever this question was raised. The last time
it was discovered that the link I provided did not work. YMMV.

There are other angles to this topic. In particular provided timestamps
are not important to you, you can get a rough list of sites visited simply
by using the following command line pipeline:
find /i "visited:" index.dat | sort

Do a Google Groups search for more. E.g. try:
author:aldwinckle baudisch

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle