how to print documents

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ashish
  • Start date Start date


How to print any document in .NET?
There are PrintDocument and PrinterSettings classes
available in Framework class library but it requires that
we implement a PrintDocument_PrintPage event handler and
we have to write the code to print the document. This
works fine if we have to print simple text but what if we
want to print RTF and DOC format programmatically. In that
case we have to take care of different sizes of font and
embedded images. Is there any other way to print a
document without using PrintDocument and PrinterSettings
Help required immediately?

Hi, My main concern is to make a component which can be used in
also. I don't to print just doc and rtf format, but that was just an
example. I want to print HTMl also that can have images and all other
kind of stuff. So how can I do that?
There is no built in componant to print aribrary file formats. You'll need
to either write your own printing classes using the PrinterDocument class,
or find a library that does this for you.
