Mika M
I would like to know recommendations and experiences how to print barcodes
using VB .NET 2003 and Windows Form application. What would I need to make
it possible to use my application to create barcode paper printings. Do I
need extra components or is it possible to use Crystal Reports which is
shipped with Visual Studio setting font to barcode on the MyReport.rpt ?
Earlier I used VB6 simply using Printer.Print after setting Printer.Font to
barcode font, but don't know what's the best way using VB .NET.
I would like to know recommendations and experiences how to print barcodes
using VB .NET 2003 and Windows Form application. What would I need to make
it possible to use my application to create barcode paper printings. Do I
need extra components or is it possible to use Crystal Reports which is
shipped with Visual Studio setting font to barcode on the MyReport.rpt ?
Earlier I used VB6 simply using Printer.Print after setting Printer.Font to
barcode font, but don't know what's the best way using VB .NET.