OK, now I know what you are talking about. I just answered your first
post with a request for more details.
The easiest way to use these groups (and to save information) is by
using a newsreader. Here is information to help you with that:
Since you are using the web interface, you may not realize that this is
really a newsgroup. You will get far more out of this resource if you
learn to use a newsreader. There are many good newsreaders for Windows,
but you can use Outlook Express since you already have it. Here are
some links to information about newsgroups:
http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page3.html#12-09-02 - a brief
explanation of newsgroups
- Set Up Newsreader
http://aumha.org/nntp.htm - list of MS newsgroups
microsoft.public.test.here - MS group to test if your newsreader is
working properly
http://www.mailmsg.com/SPAM_munging.htm - how to munge email address
http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm - multiposting vs.
Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User