Pieter Coucke
When a user types a non numeric-value in a numeric column in a DataGridView,
and he tries to leave the cell, he gets this "Input string was not in a
correct format."-exception.
Is there a (nice) way to get rid of this exception? And just put a "0" in
the place? Or somehow trigger this single exception (does exceptions have a
unique type-number?) and do some appropriate actions?
Thanks a lot in advance,
When a user types a non numeric-value in a numeric column in a DataGridView,
and he tries to leave the cell, he gets this "Input string was not in a
correct format."-exception.
Is there a (nice) way to get rid of this exception? And just put a "0" in
the place? Or somehow trigger this single exception (does exceptions have a
unique type-number?) and do some appropriate actions?
Thanks a lot in advance,