How do I protect copywrited images on my website from being copyed.
Are they copyrighted? If so, why? If you can prevent people from copying
your intellectual material, why on earth would you need a Copyright?
Apparently, the Copyright laws were written because intellectual material
*can* be copied. Always has been. Always will be. The computer was not the
first device created that could copy information. First there was oral
tradition, then the scribe, a person who literally copied, letter by letter,
from one document to another. Then came the Printing Press. Since then, a
large number of copying devices have been created and used, such as
mimeograph machines, copy machines, cameras, tape recorders, CD recorders,
and quite a few others. Nothing has changed. If it is published, if it can
be viewed, listened to, watched, or read by anyone, it can be copied by the
person viewing, listening to, watching, or reading.
Of course, this question comes up at least once a week on this newsgroup,
and the answers are still the same, after all these years. Perhaps if you
had looked for your question first, we wouldn't need to be repeating the
answer over and over again.
Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Digital Carpenter
A man, a plan, a canal,
a palindrome that has gone to s**t.