I'm implementing various child windows (egPrintPreview) where the user would
expect to see an approriate menu attached to the child and not the parent.
Don't make the form a MDI child then.
The Windows Standard is to have a single menu in the MDI Parent. The
framework adheres to this standard. As far as I can tell VB6 also adheres to
this standard. (when working with MDI Forms & MDI children).
In VB6 the only option I see is to replace the MDI parent menu. Where as
VB.NET allows you to merge the menu with the parent, which is significantly
more flexible. The parent has common options, the child has child specific
options. In both cases this menu is displayed as part of the MDI parent.
Have you looked at either using Form.ShowDialog(owner) to show your print
preview window (which prevents the user from going back to the MDI parent)
or use Form.Owner to set the owner of the child to the parent.
Hope this helps