Left out one small bit in the previous reply (I've gotta stop doing these at 3 in the morning <g>).
If you use lim underscore lim_(your expression here) then it will create the lim matrix similar to the one found in the ribbon
under 'Limit and log'. If you use lim\below(your expression here) then it does not continue in a matrix to the right after
<<"Bob Buckland ?

" <75214.226(At Beautiful Downtown)compuserve.com> wrote in message
Hi Nelraheb,
I'm not clear on the steps you're following when you say copy from the 'old version' to the 'new version'.
Are you using Word's {EQ} Field, or the Word/Design Science Equations Editor 3.0 from prior versions or the new to Word 2007
Math/Equation editor?
If from your description you are trying to insert a Limit matrix and want it to appear in a manner similar to the example shown on
the 'Limit and Log' button in the Word 2007 equation editor, then you can start with the either
Insert=>Symbols=>Equation=>Insert New Equation
or from the Ribbon or type Alt=
to insert a new, empty equation control.
Then from the Ribbon, select
Equation Tools=>Design=>Structures=>Limit and Log,
insert a lim (Limit) matrix and type in that matrix.
Or you can produce, by typing, in an Equation control, produce the limit example shown on the Ribbon buttom for
Equation Tools=>Design=Structures=>Limit and Log by
1. Using Alt= to insert a new equation control then
2. Typing in the equation control the following:
When you press space after the closing paren it should convert the equation typed in to the 'professional' equation format.
In the above example you can use an underscore character in place of
if you prefer. Be sure to enclose in parentheses what you want to appear below the lim function. The the parens you type in the
above example won't appear in the final result.
Or, you can, rather than type the Math Autocorrect shorthand, choose to use the
Equation Tools=>Symbols
dialog to enter the symbols for 'right arrow' and 'infinity' (or others) using the mouse.
You can find a listing of the predefined Math AutoCorrect sequences via the AutoCorrect dialog
Alt, T, A
or in Word Help under 'Math AutoCorrect' >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*