'Bevy_Jeter' wrote, in part:
| I've not tried to follow the above screen text because when I took my PC
| a help counter person and they plugged it in, my problem did not happen &
| PC worked just fine.
There is another difference between test locations. If a memory module,
plug-in card, or drive is not firmly socketed then movement could cause
intermittent faults when the system is moved. In fact, that is a MUCH more
likely cause than the difference in operating environment. Disconnect the
AC power cord and remove then reseat all memory module, plug-in card, and
drive connectors. This has a good chance of clearing up the problem. If
you don't feel comfortable with this procedure, take it to a reliable
computer service center. Probably not the one you already used since they
evidently did not check for proper seating of removable components.
Phil Weldon
| I've tried unsuccessfully the following keys: Pause/Break, Esc,
| I've also tried unsuccessfully to capture the screen using: print screen
| ctl/c.
| I did finally see the screen by continually pressing F8 key after booting
| until the "Advanced Startup Options for Windows" screen displayed whereby
| selected "Disable Auto restart on system failure" & then the blue screen
| text displayed & stopped during the display whereby I was able to read the
| text, but the screen did not give me a means to advance past that screen,
| I powered off. The following is the text from that blue screen:
| "A problem has been detected & windows has been shut down to prevent
| to your computer. If this is the 1st time you've seen this stop error
| screen, restart your computer. If this appears again, follow these steps:
| Run a system diagnostic utility supplied by the hardware manufacturer. In
| particular, run a memory check, & check for faulty or mismatched memory.
| changing video adapters. Disable or remove any newly installed hardware &
| drivers. Disable or remove any newly installed software. If you need to
| Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8
| select Advanced Startup Options, & then select Safe Mode. Technical
| information: Stop. Oxoooooo7F ox00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
| Beginning dump of physical memory."
| I've not tried to follow the above screen text because when I took my PC
| a help counter person and they plugged it in, my problem did not happen &
| PC worked just fine. But when I took the PC home & turned it on, my same
| problem repeats. I've tried to figure why this happens. The only
| is that the help counter did not use my power cord, they used their's. So
| took my power cord to a help counter where they tested the cord & stated
| cord is ok. Anybody got a suggestion as to why different results?
| The device manager does not show any conflicts/problems.
| Thank You, Bevy_Jeter
|| "philo" wrote:
| >
| >| > > How do I pause or freeze a quickly flashing then disappearing screen
| > that
| > > I can read the contents before it vanishes? I've tried using the
| > Pause/Break
| > > key on the keyboard, but that doesn't work. Is their a function key
| > > combination of keys that might work? PC has Intel P4 motherboard.
| >
| >
| >
| > try the esc key
| >
| >
| >