how to pass parameters from Datagrid to OdbcCommands


Eugene Turin

I'm writing a simple app that acts with simple DBF table via
I've got the idea of working with DataGrid, DataDet and DataAdapter.
I connect to my Adapter DeleteCommand and AddComand.

I call an update method of adapter.
But how to pass the parameters from DataGrid to commands? They must
fill automatically by some way?

If I set parameters of commands mannually - it works fine.

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


When you call Update on a DataAdapter that has a stored procedure as a
command, I believe that you can set a column mapping up (through the
TableMappings property, which exposes a DataTableMapping, which in turn
exposes the ColumnMappings property) which will map the stored procedure
parameter to the column in the data table.

Hope this helps.

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