shamsh said:
Let me put the whole scenario for you.
Currently the whole application is using this COM DLL which has function
encryption/decryption.We are in process of converting lot of business
to .Net and some will remain as it is in C++.We also have a equivalent
code for encryption/decryption.
So we might have a suitation where an encryption might take place using
and decryption using .Net.
Thats the reason for not changing the signature of the function.
The C++ caller function need not bother about the binary data being
converted to BSTR ,it should be happy if it is getting an encrypted string
from the COM.
Actually I'm able to return the binary data in the form of BSTR by using
CCOMBSTR,but at .Net side while
decrypting(rsacryptoserviceprovider.decrypt()) is either giving "Bad Data"
the number of bytes is more than 128 for which the rsa modulus doesn't
This whole thing works perfectly if I write the encrypyed text(binary
at COM end to a .txt file and at the C# end read that binary file for
Let me know if I was able to communicate your doubts,or if you want the
whole code.
You haven't really addressed the point on which I'm confused (side note: Who
is teaching foreign students of English to use the word "doubt" when they
mean "question"? I hear this mistake everywhere.)
Encryption of a string doesn't give you another string. It gives you binary
data. So it's not appropriate for the C++ clients to be using BSTR either,
everything should be SAFEARRAY(VT_UI1). Unless the interface was originally
designed for strings and encryption was added later, in which case using the
BSTR capability of having embedded nulls seems a reasonable way to avoid a
breaking change to the interface. .NET is still going to have problems
though, because .NET supports a subset of the BSTR concept which doesn't
include the BSTR as a counted array of bytes.
So maybe a good option would be for the interface to go ahead an return a
BSTR (counted array of bytes format), and provide a conversion function, not
used by the C++ callers, which turns that BSTR into a SAFEARRAY(VT_UI1) or
even directly into a .NET managed byte array. This could even be
implemented in C# if desired. Just use IntPtr to hold the BSTR, call
SysStringByteLen and use pointers or Marshal.Copy to transfer into a real
byte array.
Ben Voigt said:
I cannot pass the byteArray as it is from the C++ function as I'm not
to change the function signature(it is being called throughout the
application).So I need to convert the byteArray to BSTR.
You can't change the signature because it would mess up other callers,
you can add/change the conversion to BSTR? This doesn't make any sense
me. Are you implementing an interface, the other providers of which are
really returning text strings and you need to return binary data instead?
In that case using the same interface is probably not the best idea
you're violating the LSP in subtle ways.
I'm very new to C++ code.Can you please provide the sample code.
Moreover at C# end I need to do some kind of encoding to convert the
encrypted string coming from C++ to, byteArray.
shamsh wrote:
I'm doing something like
STDMETHODIMP CSecMgr::Encrypt(BSTR bstrEncryptText, BSTR*
pbstrResultText) {
// Encrypt data
if (!CryptEncrypt(hKey, NULL, TRUE, 0, pbData,
// Error
_tprintf(_T("CryptEncrypt error 0x%x\n"),
GetLastError()); return 1;
I'm able to write (LPCVOID)pbData to a .txt file(binary) and at C#
end I'm able to decrypt it back.
Instead of writing it to a .txt file I'm supposed to make it as a
return type. I'm doing something like
char *pStr = new char[dwDataLen];
memcpy(pStr, pbData, dwDataLen );
//pStr[dwDataLen] = '\0';
CString str(pStr);
//delete [] pStr;
//*pbstrResultText = CComBSTR(str); //BSTR(str.AllocSysString());
tried this option
*pbstrResultText = SysAllocStringByteLen(pStr,dwDataLen); // this
At the end
public static string DecryptData(string data2Decrypt)
byte[] encryptedData =
// some other steps
byte[] decryptedText = rsa.Decrypt(encryptedData,
false); // This either gives BAD Data or size related error
public static byte[] StrToByteArray(string
str) {
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new
return encoding.GetBytes(str);
Well, you don't want the ASCII encoding. You don't want any encoding
(SysAllocStringByteLen works on raw bytes). It so happens that
Encoding.UnicodeEncoding is the "no translation" option.
But you really should be passing a byte array because that's what you
COM supports byte arrays, the C++ would be SAFEARRAY. Just do
SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_UI1, 0, length);SafeArrayAccessDatamemcpy or
directly perform your calculations into the array data