I am having problem to get a form object from VB6 to .NET. We are
having a dll (ActiveX EXE) which is functioning the common task handing
in all of our projects.
say, the Dll Contains
Tools -> Project Name
Class File 1
Class File 2 -> this Class file having a public function called
GetTool(bytToolID as byte, objForm as object)
here object is nothing but a form object which is passed
from client to server, we are assigning the form obejct created in this
function to that pass objForm object as per the toolid passing to this
function. The client will show that form in the related project as per
our requirement.
My Problem is If I pass the form object from client which is
created by VB 6, then it is no the form objects are matching (before we
are handling like that). But some of our new projects are in .NET (C#).
Now if I passing form object from .NET client to server, it is creating
I am having problem to get a form object from VB6 to .NET. We are
having a dll (ActiveX EXE) which is functioning the common task handing
in all of our projects.
say, the Dll Contains
Tools -> Project Name
Class File 1
Class File 2 -> this Class file having a public function called
GetTool(bytToolID as byte, objForm as object)
here object is nothing but a form object which is passed
from client to server, we are assigning the form obejct created in this
function to that pass objForm object as per the toolid passing to this
function. The client will show that form in the related project as per
our requirement.
My Problem is If I pass the form object from client which is
created by VB 6, then it is no the form objects are matching (before we
are handling like that). But some of our new projects are in .NET (C#).
Now if I passing form object from .NET client to server, it is creating