How to open two pages from the banner frame on a three framed page



I have used a standard Frontpage template to establish a three framed page:
1. MainMeny page at the top (Banner page)
2. SubMeny page to the left
3. Content page

The hyperlinks in MainMenu page changes the content of the SubMeny page, the
hyperlinks in the Submenu pages changes the Content page. My problem is that
clicking on one of the selections in the MainMeny page only changes the
SubMeny pages, giving an odd (not relevant) page on the Content page untill a
selection is made on the SubMenu page. Is it possible to get the hyperlinks
in the MainMenu pages to both open the relevant Submenu page and an initial
(default) content page relevant for the main menu selection?
Thank you in advance!
Geir Olav Guddal, Norway

Kevin Spencer

Use JavaScript:



Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

Andrew Murray

you need to play with the "targets"

eg you would have a targe name for the banner page/menu/page/main content

e.g. main, menu and banner.

so if you want a link to open the page in the main content frame you need to
add "target" to the a href as

<a href= target="main">Click this
link and it will open in the main frame of the site"</a>

Hope this helps.


Thanks for your answer; I think you understand my problem. I have tried your
suggestions as follows:
window.parent.main.location='Innhaldssider/Bruka/Oversikt over

"content" and "main" is the destination frames. The HTLM pages are located
in subfolders.
When viewing in my browser the following information message appears in both
two destination frames: "The page cannot be displayed. The page you are
looking for is currently unavailable......"

Since the above message appears in both two destination frames the problem
is probably related to the url of the HTML pages to be displayed or else
there is something wrong with the syntax. I have tried several ways to write
the url's including the full path to the HTML pages.

Sorry to bother You again, but do you have any suggestions about what is

Best regards,
Geir Olav

Kevin Spencer skrev:

Thomas A. Rowe


window.parent.main.location='../Innhaldssider/Bruka/Oversikt over

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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