How to open secured lotus notes database files?

Jul 21, 2012
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I really don't know whether I'm on right forum or not.
I have some NSF files of lotus notes server. But I can’t open them as they are secured by the owner of the files. I need to open them. But I have no idea how to open them. Whenever I try to open those files, I get this: You are not authorized to access that database. I wanna know whether there is any method to open those files or not. Please help.
Ask the owner of the notes on server for autherisation to open them. Simple as that.
Well, I have already asked for. But no help from their side. The owner of the files is not available. Search me, he/she passed away or what.
Any more help?
Well, I have already asked for. But no help from their side. The owner of the files is not available. Search me, he/she passed away or what.
Any more help?

Not your day is it pal? :)

Ever thought nobody here knows anything about Lotus Notes? Probably true, sorry bout dat.

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