G Guest Feb 12, 2007 #2 Open both of them, then click Window > Arrange All. -- Shawn Toh (tohlz) Microsoft MVP PowerPoint Site Updated: Dec 24, 2006 PowerPoint Anime - Rewrite http://pptheaven.mvps.org PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate
Open both of them, then click Window > Arrange All. -- Shawn Toh (tohlz) Microsoft MVP PowerPoint Site Updated: Dec 24, 2006 PowerPoint Anime - Rewrite http://pptheaven.mvps.org PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate
G Guest Feb 12, 2007 #3 Have you got a dual monitor set up? If so you might want to look at the first item here http://www.PPTAlchemy.co.uk
Have you got a dual monitor set up? If so you might want to look at the first item here http://www.PPTAlchemy.co.uk
H hu zhenghui Feb 12, 2007 #4 I want to compare two PPT docs. How can I see them at the same time? Click to expand... There are a "compare..." submenu under "Tools" menu.
I want to compare two PPT docs. How can I see them at the same time? Click to expand... There are a "compare..." submenu under "Tools" menu.