First thank you,
I use the following code to try
//FileStream * theFile
StreamReader * FileReader = new StreamReader(theFile,Encoding::Unicode);
String * sTemp = FileReader->ReadToEnd();
Encoding * unicode = Encoding::Unicode;
FileBuffer = new unsigned char __gc[sTemp->Length +1];
FileBuffer = unicode->GetBytes(sTemp);
FileBuffer[sTemp->Length] = '\0';
I notice that the double-byte Charactor is converted to two single-byte
Charactors as 8-bit usigned char . East Asia Language is converted to
Charactors. It works perfectly.
But the converting of "\13\10" to "\10" does not happen....
What's the correct solution of this?
Will you please give out some code?
"Kevin Spencer"??:
See the System.Encoding class:
Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
If you push something hard enough,
it will fall over.
- Fudd's First Law of Opposition